
Who We Are

Enriching the lives of people with disabilites through work, care and community.

Our devoted, caring and highly-trained staff provides employment, educational and life experiences for people with disabilities. We also help local organizations and businesses meet their employment and subcontract needs.

Founded in 1971, we serve more than 300 individuals every day in our Racine and Burlington locations through our three main programs: Integrated Day Services, Fulfillment Services and Partners in Employment.

We believe in participant choice and provide a range of programs that allow participants and their families/caretakers to choose the program that best meets their needs, abilities and goals.

On-Site and Community-Based Activies and Experiences

Integrated Day Services (IDS) participants visit local businesses, community destinations and special events. They learn life skills including cooking, laundry and using public transportation. Our participants give back to our community through hours of volunteer service each year to local organizations and organize various food and clothing drives for people in need.

In our Art & Soul program, participants create works of art on-site and at local art studios. Their paintings, textiles and ceramics are sold and on display at numerous fairs, venues, businesses and homes. The artists earn one-third of the proceeds from the sale of their works.

Meaningful Work for Real Pay

Fulfillment Services provides meaningful paid work opportunities in a safe and supportive environment. It's real work for real pay. Our participants have earned an excellent reputation for the high quality packaging, assembly, sorting, quality control and other subcontract work they provide for area businesses. Additionally, we offer ongoing interactive vocational training programs. Through their choice to work and earn an income, participants contribute to our community's economic wellbeing.

Community-Based Employment and Training

Partners in Employment (PIE) assists participants and others with disabilities in finding jobs and internships in the community that match their employment interests. Once we help find the ideal work experience and employer, we provide coaching and support so participants are prepared for success in their new job or internship

Diversity Solutions for Employment Needs

If your Organization truly values the range of perspectives each individual brings to a workplace, then - as the nation's largest minority - people with disabilities can add an important dimension to your employee diversity. Partners in Employment can help you reach and hire a diverse base of highly-motivated, qualified and engaged employees.

Each Day We...

Partner with people with disabilities to achieve their goals

Measure success through the accomplishments of our participants

Provide social and economic value to our participants and our community

Offer choices in training, employment and social opportunities that enrich the lives of our participants, employees and volunteers

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