

Issue Alert

Take Action: Tell our elected leaders to protect the employment/service choices and wages of persons with disabilities.

Tell our elected leaders to protect the choices of persons with disabilities (along with their families/caretakers) to select the employment opportunities and services that best meet their needs, abilities, and goals, and to continue to support a skills-based wage system that protects their ability to earn a paycheck.

Act on Issues

Issues that Need Your Action:

1. Tell your U.S. Senators and Representative in Congress about the importance of Medicaid-funded services received by people served by Careers Industries and the need to preserve an array of service options (HCBS Waiver).

2. Tell your US Congressional Representative NOT to support H.R. 831 which would phase out and repeal Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. If enacted into law, hundreds of thousands of individuals with the most significant disabilities could lose their jobs.

3. Tell your elected leaders you are concerned about the growing call for Wisconsin to adopt an Employment First policy for people with disabilities, without recognizing there are other valid employment options.

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